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Welcoming Space Day of China | The Delegation of Beihang International Students Attended the Preparation Meeting

2019-04-15  Share

As the international students of Beihang University will go to Changsha to attend “United Nations/China Forum on Space Solutions: Realizing the Sustainable Development Goals”, the Centre organized the preparation meeting for the delegation on April 15, 2019. All the student representatives were in attendance. The meeting was hosted by Mr. Weng Jingnong, Executive Director of the Centre and Dean of International School of Beihang University.

Mr. Weng introduced the schedule, task allocation and matters needing attention. He hoped that the participants could cherish this opportunity, listen carefully, think actively, speak proactively, show high spirit and deliberate practical academic attitude to the world while contributing to the exhibition participation work of the Centre. Moreover, he hoped that they could have an unforgettable experience in “Orange Isle” and feel closely the aerospace enamorment of Chinese people.

The student delegation was composed of fourteen (14) student representatives from Bangladesh, Bolivia, Brazil, Iran, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru and Thailand. After the recommendation, application and evaluation, the representatives were elected from more than one hundred (100) students. They were all professional or reserve talents in related fields of their nations, selected and sent by aerospace related institutions and governmental departments of different countries to the Centre to study in Master’s and Doctoral programmes.

From April 24 to 27, 2019, China National Space Administration (CNSA), together with United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA), will hold “United Nations/China Forum on Space Solutions: Realizing the Sustainable Development Goals” as one of the series of activities of Space Day of China. The objective is to build a bridge between users and providers in space field, using the space technologies to facilitate the realization of the sustainable development goals of each country. The activity is listed as the flagship conference of UNOOSA. The Centre has selected representatives to attend the meeting in the hope of providing a good platform for the participants to have their voice heard in international conferences. Meanwhile, their attendance is believed to deepen the aerospace international cooperation between China and countries along the Belt and Road.