活动现场,由小卫星姿控系统负责人、北航宇航学院孙亮老师首先就ADCS的基本概念、SSS-1 ADCS的硬件配置和工作模式、ADCS的测试和验证技术做了讲解,并对本次活动的测试内容做了简单介绍。
My professional background is more related to the telecommunications field but I know that ADCS tests are quite cool and satisfactory to see. Since this experiment is based only in mathematical models, at first I only expected perfect squared data readings however I got impressed how realistic they are designed. We needed real time to wait the satellite structure to get balanced in their own axis when shifting between control modes, like it were in space already. In addition, it was interesting to see how satellite ADCS itself respond to unexpected failure events.
The reconciliation of practice with theory is very important for the student, since he is called upon to practice more in society. I was delighted to have participated in this APSCO SSS-1 Attitude Determination and Control System Debugging and Demo Activity. This allowed me to experience HIL test of ADCS, namely Component test of ADCS, Hardware-in-loop test of ADCS, Failure mode test of ADCS from theoretical courses that I acquired in class.
I would like to thank APSCO which gives the opportunity to foreign students to work on a concrete project which is APSCO Small Students Satellite, a MINO Space company which hosted the test on its premises and the Faculty of Astronautics and RCSSTEAP of Beihang University which continues to promote space technology in all its forms, the intellectual and physical well-being of its students despite the pandemic situation in the world now.
In this activity, Beihang Unversity and the Centre gave us the opportunity to observe the tests that were carried out on the ADC subsystem of the SSS-1 satellite. We learned about the technical characteristics of the different sensors, actuators and software that make up the Attitude and Determination Control system. The tests were carried out in its different modes of operation, and even a failure was intentionally caused to one of the reaction wheels, the system detected the failure and then managed to stabilize the satellite. The results obtained in these tests give a high level of safety and reliability to the engineering model of the SSS-1 satellite. The methodology used for these tests, as well as their results and the SSS-1 engineering models can be used by the students of Beihang University in their different academic research and can even be shared with students in the member countries of APSCO. Sharing knowledge is undoubtedly the most important part of this type of academic project, this is being achieved thanks to Beihang University and APSCO.