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2023-11-29  Share

1125—27日,以加快金砖卫星数据应用 推动空天信息国际合作为主题的2023文昌国际航空航天论坛在海南文昌顺利区域中心师生代表一行22人受邀参会,与来自国内外的业界专家学者共聚一堂,积极发声。

来自巴基斯坦的博士生Lodhi Muhammad Kamran在主论坛作了题为开启城市未来:利用遥感大数据进行智能城市规划的主旨报告,对城市规划的可持续发展领域进行了分享和交流。


作为海南自贸港重点打造的陆海空三大科技城之一,文昌拥有中国唯一的低纬度滨海航天发射基地,并即将建成中国首个商业航天发射场。此次文昌之行不仅让来自各国的中心学员拓宽了专业视野,也让他们进一步丰富了对中国航天的认识,厚植了热爱中国的情怀。 来自孟加拉的博士生MASUM SYED MOHAMMAD在返程后激动地表示:The activities of the Forum were well organized and it was impressive that we had the opportunity to learn about the remarkable advances in space technology. We also got a chance to visit various space-related institutions, each showcasing their activities in an exceptionally innovative manner. The highlight of the day, however, was the visit to the coconut park. For me, it marked the first time since my initial visit to China in 2013 that I had the opportunity to see and taste coconuts reminiscent of those from my homeland, Bangladesh. What started as a simple tour turned into a delightful mini-festival, an exploration of flavors and experiences.