The New Centre will offer short-term training programs, summer school, summer/winter camps, popular science lectures, yearly or termly visiting scholar programs, etc. The training programs can be customized according to the different demands of the participants.
Three short training programs have been held by the Centre in 2015.
(1) Training Program on Satellite Navigation Technology and Applications
The first short-term training program on Satellite Navigation Technology and Applications was held at Beihang University from April 19th to April 29th, 2015. After discussion, we plan to make the training programs as a series, that is IASA 2015 (International Aerospace and Satellite Applications) .The first one was co-organized by the Centre, Beihang University, China Great Wall Industry Corporation, China National Space Administration (CNSA) together with Beidou International Exchange and Training Center. Nearly 50 participants from 16 countries took part in the program. 12 Chinese experts and two foreign experts (coming from France and Croatia ) gave lectures to trainees.

(2) Training Program on Earth Observation Technologies for Earthquake Damage and Loss Assessment
From September 14th to 22nd , 2015 the second short-term training program was jointly organized by the Centre, UN-SPIDER, National Disaster Reduction Center of China (NDRCC) and APSCO, based on the philosophy of resource sharing, efficiency promotion and win-win cooperation. The first part (September 14th - 16th) of the training was the United Nations International Conference on Space-based Technologies for Disaster Management, with a theme of “A consolidating role in the implementation on the Sendai Framework on Disaster Risk Reduction: 2015-2030”, while the second part (September 17th - 22nd) was technical training with the subject of “Earth Observation Technologies for Earthquake Damage and Loss Assessment”.
Seven experts from UN-SPIDER, Digital Globe and Regional Centre in India gave lectures to 30 participants from 19 countries.

(3) Training Program on Space Law and Policy
The third short-term training program on space law and policy
was co-organized by the Centre and APSCO from September 17th to 25th, 2015. The first part (September 21st - 22nd)of the training was the seminar of space law.
15 scholars, experts, lawyers and officials from government and international organizations in the United States, Canada, Germany, France, Sweden mainland China and Hong Kong served as the team of instructors. Nearly 40 participants from 11 countries attended the training program.
This training program was the first one about space law and policy held by the Centre for Space Science and Technology Education (Affiliated to the United Nations), and first to adopt module teaching in line with Space Law Syllabus written by UNOOSA.
In the feedback of these three training programs, trainees expressed their satisfaction in terms of the quality of experts’ knowledge, lectures, arrangements and reception. Comments like Excellent and Very good were made.
