On the occasion of 5th China Space Day, we would like to share with our readers the feelings of a group of developing country’s aerospace backup talents who are studying at Beihang University about China Space Day.
Space Day of China 2020: A harmonizing relation with Bangladesh
The "People's Republic of China" is being considered is one of the biggest and active participants in outer space activities and space industries around the world. April 24, China space day remarks a historical and technological advancement of space industries and also outlines a sincere appreciation with extending friendship bonding’s to other countries.
Last year, China successfully landing Chang'e-4 on the Moon's oldest and deepest crater, completing the world's first soft landing on the "dark" side of the Earth's only moon created a remarkable history in the world. Manned space missions, Lunar exploration, BeiDou and high-resolution Earth observation systems, launching numerous satellites every year from its own rocket launching station, etc. All these activities show a powerful nation among the best 5 countries in space sector. However, extending relationship in case of launching satellites and space research development, space education with different countries signifies one of the greatest friendly countries around the world. The powerful space economy of China, keep a sharp eye on sustainable and environment friendly relations with other countries.
The relationship between Bangladesh and China space activities is being more closed day by day. Bangladesh is not up to the mark of space activities till, but making good cooperation with China in terms of bilateral and multilateral agreement its area of activities is progressing. Bangladesh Space Research and Remote Sensing Organization (SPARRSO); the space agency of Bangladesh is closely involved with APSCO, CNSA and using different satellite data like FY 2 from China, still plays a vital role in space research activities of Bangladesh. A huge number of Bangladeshi students got the opportunity to study in space-related sector in China, which resembles a positive attitude for space industry development between Bangladesh and China.
We firmly believe that, with a great intention of friendly cooperation among different countries, China will put a strong and solid step in outer space by its advanced technologies for pursuing their dream in the near future.
——Rubel Kanti Dey,Bangladesh,2018 Space Law and Policy
The day of April 24 was chosen as it marks the day in 1970 when China successfully launched its first satellite, Dongfanghong-1, which continues to orbit the Earth.
April 24, 2020 is the most important day of China space program that China has some big goals in 2020 for the nations of space program such as expecting to send over 60 spacecraft into orbit this year. And this will be announced in the celebration program by the higher authority of China. After completing 34 space launches in 2019, the Chinese space program’s main contractor is planning more than 40 launches to start the new decade, with three major missions largely focused on completing the Beidou-3 Navigation Satellite System, lunar exploration and the network of Gaofen observation satellites.
China encourages young space scientists and engineering to seize the strategic opportunity and keep innovating to make a greater contribution to the country’s overall growth and the welfare of humankind.
——Nazmul Hasan Sujan,,Bangladesh,2018 Micro-satellite Technology
After 50 years of the launch of the first Chinese satellite, today the growth of Chinese space technology is evident and undeniable. Since 2018, China has become the country with the highest number of orbital launches, displacing the United States after many years. Among some of the most recent achievements, we can cite the successful launch of the Chang'e 4 mission that in early 2019 reached the hidden side of the moon and immediately gave humanity the highest resolution images of the terrestrial satellite.
Chang’e Mission
Another milestone that was not overlooked occurred in June 2019 when a Long March 11 rocket was first launched from an offshore platform, which undoubtedly brings greater flexibility in the capabilities of future launches. Three main missions are expected for 2020, for the completion of the Beidou-3 satellite navigation system, lunar exploration and the Gaofen observation satellite network. The launch of three new types of rockets is also expected, which are the Long March-5B, Long Marc-7A and the Long March-8 each destined for specific missions.
As a student in the remote sensing and geographic information systems area, I had the opportunity to visit some private companies that are constantly innovating in the area of space technologies and consequently expanding their influence globally. Such is the case of SuperMap, which is a GIS platform that currently provides a variety of technologies. On the other hand, the company 21st Aerospace Technology, which is a Geo-spatial Big Data Service Provider for Chinese clients and globally can also be mentioned. Currently, its most important project called Beijing 2 consists of a constellation of 3 satellites that provide images of the ultra-high spatial resolution of less than 1 meter, they also have a network of earth stations, through which the company is capable of generating products and services for different types of clients around the
Beijing 2 project
Undoubtedly, in the following year’s China will play a very important role in the development and innovation in space technologies. I would like the advances to be focused on the sustainable management of natural resources and care for the earth since it is necessary to be well on Earth to advance well in space.
——Beymar Fernando Huchani Quisbert,Bolivia,2018 RS&GIS
China Space Development
China has rapid and impressive progress in space technology with military benefits, as there are the most progress in addressing its national needs, economic and commercial benefits as its space power is a driver of economic growth and technological advancement that can help change the economy to be a high-tech competitor. Space can also give economic growth directly through commercial launch services and satellite exports. To date, China has built and launched satellites for different countries including my country Ethiopia at the end of December last year, which is highly appreciated to build a satellite and launch in its launching center. Moreover, about the political benefits, the space program helps China to conduct numerous cooperative activities with other countries and holds international exchanges and cooperation to improve its international position.
China has made impressive progress in space technologies. China now has a variety of missions. Space Technology is being widely applied in all aspects of our daily life, exerting a major and far-reaching influence on social production and style. China is determined to quicken the pace of developing its space industry and actively carry out international space exchanges and cooperation, so that achievements in space activities will serve and improve the well-being of humankind in a wider scope, at a deeper level and with higher standards. China will promote the lofty cause of peace and development together with other countries. I hope other countries in the world will promote the development of space and related to China.
A brief review on Chines space technology
China’s space industry has been flourished these days. As a foreign student in China, a point that affects me is releasing space activities for private space companies and young talents. This policy besides such great experiments that can help them to develop their targets and successes more and more. At the higher level, the government opens capacities for huge investment targets such as space science and exploration and at a lower level, private sectors focus on small and medium commercial activities and eventually new window of opportunities will appear.
——Mohammadreza Bayat,Iran,2017 DOCSTA
China is Quickly Becoming a Space Superpower
The Chinese National Space Agency (CNSA) is one of the fastest-growing space agencies in the world. Since its relatively humble beginnings sixty years ago, it has come to be one of the biggest contenders in the modern-day space race.
The speed at which China is surpassing each technological hurdle spotlights how the Chinese government views space as vital for boosting the economy and promoting high-end industry and spill-off technologies. In 2014, China’s State Council first mentioned the development of private space industry, pledging to “encourage private capital’s participation in China’s construction of civilian space infrastructure.” China is encouraging its private space startups to include OneSpace, LandSpace, Linkspace, and iSpace. iSpace, also known as Interstellar Glory Space Technology, became the first Chinese private space company to launch its rocket, Hyperbola 1, successfully into orbit on July 25, 2019. Since then, military-civilian partnerships have flourished, and private firms have been allowed to launch from military bases.
China became the third country ever to launch a human into space in 2003 and has been expanding its space program ever since. As China looks to dominate both access and presence in outer space as part of its grand strategy of augmenting national strength and revival, it is critical that we understand the space capacities it already possesses, and the capacities it is building.
China Space Day and the Chinese-Pakistan Bilateral Relationship
In 2019, China has completed 34 space launches being first in the world. This is just a look at how quickly China's space exploration capabilities have matured over the past 60 years.
In 2005 China started the Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization (APSCO) with Bangladesh, Iran, Mongolia, Pakistan, Peru, Thailand, and Turkey with the focus “to promote and strengthen the development of collaborative space programs among its member states by establishing the basis for cooperation in peaceful applications of space science and technology.”
In 2011, as part of Pakistan’s Space Program 2040, the Chinese & Pakistan engineers manufactured PAKSAT-1R, which was a milestone in China-Pakistan space ties. The satellite has a lifespan of 15 years, during which time it will provide communication services across South and Central Asia, Eastern Europe, East Africa, and East Asia.
The two countries also signed a road map for space cooperation between Pakistan’s Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission (SUPARCO) and the China National Space Administration (CNSA) in 2012. As part of their cooperation on space missions, Pakistan has expressed its willingness to send a Pakistani astronaut into space on a Chinese spacecraft by 2020. China has also successfully launched PRSS-1 & PakTES-1A two remote sensing satellites for Pakistan in 2018, and in April 2019 China and Pakistan signed a space exploration agreement marking a new phase of space science cooperation between the all-weather allies.
China has proposed the construction of a "Space Silk Road" to expand its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), including the world-class China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, into a three-dimensional super project (space, land and water). In Space Silk Road, China's Beidou satellites would help navigate submarines to aircraft and connect all BRI countries.
The bilateral link between the two countries in space has opened up new perspectives for socio-economic and scientific cooperation, boosting their historically cordial bilateral relations in other areas. In the 21st century, space technology is crucial for socio-economic development, infrastructure modernization, agricultural production, and urban planning. Pakistan's space program will greatly benefit from China's advanced technology. The transfer of Chinese space technology will certainly help Pakistan to make progress in both defense and economic areas.
——Muhammad Shan-e-Hassan,Pakistan,2018 GNSS
On the occasion of the official Space Day of China! I am delighted, on behalf of the Thailand Student at Beihang University, to express our heartfelt congratulations and best wishes to the space industry in China to be sustainable growth and complete all your mission.
China has come a long way in its exploration of the space since 8 October 1956 by founded the country’s first rocket research institution, and China has been developing tirelessly. 1964 the first biology rocket launched, 1968 Institute of Space Medico-Engineering established for the training of astronauts, 24 April 1970 Don Fang Hong-1 Satellite launched. Many space activities have been achieving, and China became the Fairy state. The most significant achievement is China landed the Chang’s 4 probes on the Lunar South Pole, is the lunar far side has the first for humanity to discovered fragments of the moon’s mantle and China plans to launch the Chang’e-5 probe in this year (2020) to bring moon samples back to Earth.
On the other hand, China has been stepping into international space through both bilateral and multilateral cooperation since 1980, to begin to take part in the work of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space of the UNCOPUS. China acceded to the four main Space Treaties: the 1967 Space Treaty, the 1968 Rescue Agreement, the 1972 Liability Convention and the 1975 Registration Convention. China also is a party to INTELSAT and INMARSAT and so on.
Furthermore, China also cooperates with Thailand by multilateral in Space Technology and Applications between Chin-Asia Pacific for growth of space activities in the Asia-Pacific region, held in Beijing in December 1992. For more than 28 years China and Thailand became more closer to cooperation in Space Activities together, China has been supporting Thailand by free access to use its satellite for weather forecast which effect to many business part or agriculture in Thailand growth. China also transforms its space knowledge for Thai people to use the knowledge to develop the Thailand space industry. I also gain space knowledge from China; both technical, policy, and international space law. I also use this knowledge to drive space policy to liberalization and sustainable growth. I have understood China better to this education, and this understanding helps China-Thailand to have a better relationship between China-Thailand.
——Arpawadee Nuntree,Thailand,2018 Space Law and Policy
China's space technology, based on the 5-year development program published in 2016, continues to impress the world. It took a considerable lead by raising the myth on the far side of the Moon with the 'Goddess Chang'e-4' probe.
With the success of the Launch of the Long March 11 rocket in the Yellow Sea, the Chinese space industry reaffirms the reliability of maritime launch. To date, China can boast of having one of the largest global satellite coverage with BeiDou’s constellation. The future of Chinese space technology holds great promise with projects ranging from orbital solar power plants to space tourism passing by the nuclear-powered space shuttle project.
Many countries are partners with China for special ambitions and we hope that in the coming years our country Togo will be among the Chinese partners to benefit from the benefits of special programs.