From September 5 to 10, 2019, jointly organized by UN-SPIDER Beijing Office, Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization (APSCO) and the Centre, International Training Course on Space-based Technologies for Disaster Risk Assessment was held at the Centre.
Experts from UN-SPIDER, Delta State University, National Disaster Reduction Center of China (NDRCC), SuperMap Software Co., Ltd., Airbus, Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific were invited to give lectures. It aimed to improve the participants’ ability to use space technology for disaster prevention and mitigation, and promote exchanges and cooperation among different countries.
The training covered remote sensing, satellite data sources, emergency response mapping, etc. A total of twenty-eight (28) participants from fourteen (14) countries attended the training. The participants were mainly from national disaster management centers of various countries and related institutions, the Member States of APSCO. Some participants of the Centre also attended it.
The opening and closing ceremonies of the training were held at the Centre and NDRCC respectively. Although the training time is short, the participants felt that they had learned a lot of new knowledge and skills in disaster reduction and prevention, which would be helpful to them for taking advantages of the space information technology to reduce and prevent the disaster in their home countries.