The signing ceremony of Contract between Beihang University and Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization (APSCO) on APSCO Student Small Satellite Project (SSS-1 Micro-satellite and Ancillary Work) was held on 17th of January, 2017 in Ruxin Conference Room, Beihang University. The Signing ceremony was attended by more than 40 participants from APSCO, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT), China National Space Administration (CNSA) and Beihang University, and addressed by invited VIPs including Mr. Li Xinjun, Secretary General of the APSCO, Mr. Huang Haijun, Vice President of Beihang University and Mr.Tian Yulong, Secretary General of CNSA. The ceremony was hosted by Dr.Mohammad Ebrahimi Seyedabadi, Director General of Department of Education Training and Database Management of APSCO.

At the beginning of the ceremony, Prof. Huang Hai of Beihang University presented a short report on the project background as well as the current status. Then Mr. Li Xinjun said that the project was the biggest international cooperation project since APSCO establishment and had a great historical significance. This project was not only a great opportunity, but also a big challenge. APSCO stood ready to use this opportunity to share technology, experience, resources and made benefits to all its Member States. He also expressed his thanks to the strong support of CNSA, MIIT and Beihang University and firmly believed that this project would be a successful pilot which combined by Education, Training and Technology Capacity Building for Future development on SSS project.
Mr. Huang Haijun, on behalf of Beihang University, expressed thanks to all the people involved in SSS Project. He said that as the leading university, Beihang would do its best and take responsibility to work and cooperate closely with APSCO Secretariat and all the APSCO Member States to make a success.
Mr. Tian Yulong, as the last speaker indicated once again that Chinese government will continue to support this project. He hoped that this project would adhere to the three principles of being open, cooperative and hoped APSCO can promote its international influence in this way. He also hoped that more and more young generation aerospace researchers and university students could get involved in this project. The Constellation includes not only 3 but up to 30 micro-satellites and cube-satellites.He hopes all the countries involved can work smartly and work hard to promote this project.
In addition, all the parties agreed to establish a SSS website and publish the progress of the project regularly based on the request by Mr.Tian Yulong.
At the end of the ceremony, Mr. Li Xinjun and Mr. Huang Haijun signed the contract on behalf of APSCO and Beihang University respectively. The signing was observed by the distinguished delegates and the project PMB members.