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Representatives and Participants of the Centre Attended the 1st BIT International Symposium on Space Law

2016-10-29  Share



    The Institute of Space Law of Beijing Institute of Technology held its 1st Space Law International Symposium on October  29th, 2016, as part of activities to celebrate the 10th year of its existence. The theme of the International Symposium was “Global Governance of Outer Space: Status quo and Challenges, Foundations and Frontiers”. It should be remembered that the Institute of Space Law at the Beijing Institute of Technology began its operations in 2006 as part of China's Capacity-building in Space Law.

    The Symposium which was held at the Institute’s International Communication and Education Centre had in attendance International scholars, educators and researchers on Space Law and Policy such as Professors Li Shouping, Sa’id Mosteshar, Prof. Doo Hwan Kim and Professor Joanne Gabrynowicz, to mention but a few. Professor Weng Jingnong, Executive Director of RCSSTEAP, Dean of International School, Beihang University,  Professor Gao Guozhu from the Law School, Beihang University and all the Space Law and Policy students from RCSSTEAP were in attendance. The students went with very high expectations and came back satisfied as the Symposium lived up to its hype. Many topics arising from the uses of outer space and its sustainability were discussed. It was quite revealing for the participants from RCSSTEAP.

    The first Keynote speech titled “International Legal Regime Concerning Space Resources Exploration and Exploitation: Lex Lata and Lex Ferenda” was delivered by Xinmin Ma, Deputy Director, Department of Treaty and Law of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In this Lecture, the Speaker shed more light on issues such as setting up an international system for the framework of international management for exploration and exploitation of outer space, fairness in the exploration of outer space by giving the future generation a chance and benefit of sharing for all countries both developed and underdeveloped. The Secretary General of China Institute of Space Law, Zhang Zhenjun, delivered another keynote speech titled “China’s Space Activities under the Rule of Law”. In this Lecture, the speaker spoke on some issues such as China’s space activities, features of China’s space Law, China’s capacity-building in space law, trending issues and future perspectives regarding space Law in China. Dr. Prof. Zhao Yun from the Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong, delivered the last Keynote speech titled “Emerging Approaches in Development Efforts: Chinese Perspective on Space and Sustainable Development”.

    The most interesting and more interactive part of the symposium was during the English and Chinese double sessions where the following issues were dealt with:

(1) Recognition of Principles, Regulations and Responsibilities for Peaceful, Safe, Secure, Equitable and Effective Use of Outer Space

(2) Law, Standard, Policy and Strategy Concerning Space Debris and Space Security

(3) State’s Legislation, Posture and Practice in Outer Space

(4)China’s Space Legislation and the International Regulation of Space

    Participants from RCSSTEAP left with a lot of space law and policy issues to ruminate upon. The symposium was indeed a great platform for Space Law and Policy experts, researchers, educators and students to learn, interact and network. Students of Space Law and Policy of RCSSTEAP in attendance were grateful for this massive opportunity to learn and interact with colleagues from other Institutes.