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The Governing Board of Regional Centre for Space Science and Technology Education in Asia and the Pacific (China) (affiliated to the United Nations) held its First Meeting

2014-11-17  Share

The first meeting of the Governing Board of Regional Centre for Space Science and Technology Education in Asia and the Pacific (China) (affiliated to the United Nations) was held at Beihang University on November 17, 2014. As the first chairperson of the Governing Board, Mr. Xu Dazhe, the Administrator of China National Space Administration (CNSA) hosted the meeting. The Rules of Procedure of the Governing Board, the Establishment and Operation Programme of the Centre and the Annual Work Plan for 2014 to 2015 were reviewed and approved in the meeting. The preliminary time for next meeting of Governing Board was set.

Ms. Simonetta Di Pippo, Director of the Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) and representatives from eight member states, including China, Algeria, Bolivia, Brazil, Indonesia, Pakistan and Peru attended the meeting.