In order to intimately track and comprehend the development of space technology, publicize China’s principle and standpoint on peaceful use of outer space, promote the development of RECSSTEAP, advertise space technology application programs and strengthen communication among member states, Mr. Weng Jingnong and Ms.Guo Yuanyuan of Beihang University attended the the Fifty-second Session of the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee of the CommIttee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space from February 9 to 11, 2015. Mr. Weng Jingnong delivered a technical report in the session to introduce the inauguration ceremony of the RECSSTEAP and basic information on the first meeting of the Governing Board, as well as the work plan for 2015. In this session, they also distributed brochures to representatives of the 76 member states of UNCOPUOS,exchanged ideas with member states and other regional Centres, visited Ms. Dipipo, the director of the UNOOSA, met with Mr. Doi TAKOO, member of the UNCOPUOS and exchanged their views on work.