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Journey of Chinese Aerospace Technology and Culture 2017: the 8th stop - Information Management Center of the Supreme People’s Court

2017-06-05  Share

The 8th stop

Information Management Center of the Supreme People’s Court

On June 5th, 2017, participants of the Centre went to Information Management Center of the Supreme People’s Court for a visit.

With the guidance of Ms. Gaoqi, professor of Law School, Beihang University and Ms. Li Xiaohui, expert from Supreme People’s Court and alumna of Beihang University, the participants visited Information Management Center of the Supreme People’s Court. Ms. Li Xiaohui demonstrated Big Data Management and Service Platform in serving the people, the judicial trial and enforcement through a lecture of “Making Full of Information Technology in the Court of China”.

After the lecture, the participants raised their questions and discussed heatedly with the lecturer.

Space technology development has a close relationship with information construction. Information Management Center of the Supreme People’s Court is not only an important department in China People’s Court, but also has a great influence in the field of information construction in the world. Mr. AWOTOYE OLUWATOSIN, one Nigerian participant majoring in Space Law and Policy said that, he was surprised at the excellent information technology system in Information Management Center of the Supreme People’s Court, and he learnt how to use information technology to ensure the openness and fairness of the justice during the visit. It was really a precious experience for him.