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Participants of the Centre Were Invited to Attend SpaceUp Activity held in Beijing

2017-06-05  Share

  On the afternoon of June 5, 2017, SpaceUp Activity, co-organized by International Astronautical Federation (IAF) and Chinese Society of Astronautics(CSA), was held at Beijing International Convention Center. Participants of the Centre were invited to attend it.

  Seven (7) participants of the Centre majoring in space technology applications, were invited to deliver speeches. They shared their research achievements in remote sensing and geographic information system, global navigation satellite system, space law and policy, micro-satellite technology, etc. In addition, hot spots of the space development and exploration was discussed.

  At the end of this activity, the participants expressed their thanks to IAF and CSA for their kind invitation. They also thanked the Centre for giving them the opportunity to express their views at this international conference and communicate with other young space experts in the world. They said that it was an excellent chance for them to develop their thinking patterns and make more friends.