Aung Liwn
PhD in Space Technology Applications
2021 – Second Prize of Distinguished Foreign Student Scholarships of Beihang University
My research life at Beihang University
In the early years of my PhD life, I fulfilled the required core subjects and electives, and participated in academic forums, conferences, and workshops. When I had free time, I enjoyed playing football and ground tennis. I loved and valued the cultural programs of different races and their colorful perspectives. Then, I also made friends with international and Chinese people.
After choosing my thesis title, I became more stressed about my research activities. When I was reading the research papers, I didn’t quite understand them and was depressed with myself at first. In fact, I’m not a genius, nor a talented person, so I hesitated whether to quit the doctoral program or continue my studies.
During my PhD studies, I could not have succeeded without my supervisor’s essential counsel, encouragement, and patience. This research life would not have progressed to where it is today without the help of others. So, I do recommend getting involved in group project activities, because it will be more effective than if you do it alone.
Then, I faced more challenges in journal publishing. I felt upset with my first journal paper submission. When I saw the word “reject” in the email reply, I was shocked and disappointed in myself. After several submissions, I became familiar with the words “major corrections”, “minor corrections” and “rewriting”. With the reviewers’ knowledgeable comments and encouragement, I finally published my research paper in an indexed journal.
In my PhD research life, I have learned systematic research methods, developed diligent habits, and maintained physical exercise to keep a balance on health matters. These are just a few of the innumerable benefits of my PhD research life at Beihang University.

Suggestions for young students
If we knew what it was we were doing,
it would not be called research, would it?
n Albert Einstein
1. When faced with challenges or difficulties, do not hide or run away. They might hit you some day.
2. Whatever your goal is, you must achieve it in one day. You must know that you can only succeed if you are firm in your goals and work hard.
3. Keep your curiosity about what we don’t know. Let us try to explore the needs of our planet.
4. Make a timely research plan, discuss it with your peer group, and know what you need to fulfill.
5. Finally, align your achievements with international standards.