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The Centre Held Work Promotion Meeting for Degree Programmes

2022-11-01  Share

In the afternoon of October 11, the Centre held a work promotion meeting for degree programmes in Conference Room 201 of the International School, Beihang University. The meeting was hosted by Prof. Weng Jingnong, Executive Director of the Centre, and was attended by faculty representatives of various majors and staff of the Centre. The meeting focused on the fundamental task of talent cultivation of the Centre, exchanging and discussing topics such as the situation of participants, the key teaching and cultivation parts in this semester, the first anniversary of the successful launch of APSCO Student Small Satellite-1 (APSCO SSS-1), the construction of new majors and environment of the Centre, as well as the deployment and discussion of the next steps.

The meeting coincided with the first anniversary of the successful launch of APSCO SSS-1. Mr. Sun Liang, Executive Chief Engineer of the satellite, Mr. Chen Shenyan, Deputy Chief Engineer, and Mr. Zhao Xurui, Chief Ph.D. Student Engineer, introduced the research, experiments, and operation and maintenance of the satellite in the past year. On October 14, 2021, APSCO SSS-1 was successfully launched from Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center in Shanxi, China. In the past year since the launch, the small satellite team has fully achieved all the requirements put forward by APSCO and exceeded its mission, making important contributions to students’ research practice, talent training, education and teaching, and international cooperation. All the attending members expressed their heartfelt congratulations to the teachers of the small satellite team.

Then, the meeting had an in-depth exchange on talent cultivation of the Centre. By reviewing the basic information of the participants enrolled at the Centre, the participating teachers had a detailed understanding of the general information and status changes of them, so as to further clarify the main points of talent training in this semester. Combining with the training progress, the meeting determined the schedule of important training parts such as the thesis proposal, mid-term assessment and defense of MASTA participants in this semester, and asked supervisors to keep close contact with participants and supervise their academic progress.

Based on the present, looking to the future. The Centre will continue to strengthen the connection with Member States, build a network of contacts, further “go out” to expand partners, strengthen exchanges with enterprises, institutions and other UN Regional Centres, and promote the construction of internship bases in an orderly manner. In terms of professional construction, the Centre will establish new professional directions, explore large category enrollment, consolidate the building of general education courses, characteristic courses and extracurricular practice courses, build the Air and Space Art Center, enhance the integration of science and art, and build new channels for mutual learning and appreciation of multiple cultures. At the same time, the Centre will keep optimizing the construction of the environment, reinforcing alumni work, expanding short-term training programs, and further broadening the influence of the Centre.