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Notice on the course on Space Commercialization and Development of Space Law

2019-03-07  Share

At the invitation of the Centre, Dr. Zhao Yun, Henry Cheng Professor in International Law; Head of the Department of Law of the University of Hong Kong will visit the Centre and give courses on March 9 to 12.

Location: International School(IS), Beihang University

Contact person: Ms. Cui Yizhuo, 010-82338937

The curriculum is as follows:

Dr. Zhao Yun


1. Space law

2. Alternative Dispute Resolution (Mediation and Arbitration)


2000-2003: PHD in Erasmus University Rotterdam, Specialty: International Law

1998-1999: Master Degree in Leiden University, Specialty: Public International Law

1995-1998: Master Degree in China University of Political Science and Law, Specialty: Private International Law

1991-1995: Bachelor Degree in China University of Political Science and Law, Specialty: International Economic Law


2008-now: Working as Professor of Law at Faculty of Law, The University of Hong Kong

2002-2008: Working as Associate Professor of Law at School of Law, City University of Hong Kong

2000-2002: Working as Researcher at Faculty of Law, Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands