On October 12, 2019, SuperMap Software Training was held at the Centre. Twengy-three (23) new participants majoring in RS&GIS attended it.

At the beginning of the training, Mr. Li Qinxi, Business Manager of SuperMap Software Co., Ltd., introduced the company in detail, including the organization, technology development, international and domestic cooperation, resources and software functions, etc.

Then, Ms. Chen Yue, Technical Support Engineer, introduced the use of SuperMap iDesktop and the NET 9D. The participants drew their own maps based on their own vector data.

SuperMap GIS is developed by SuperMap Software Co., Ltd., and it is a complete integration of a series of GIS platform software, including Desktop GIS, Service GIS, Component GIS and Mobile GIS platforms and spatial data production, processing and management tools. Through continuous technological innovation, market exploring and experiences accumulation, SuperMap GIS has constructed a good GIS software brand with full angle, and strong functions which can meet different requirements for a wide range of industries, and it has been deeply applied in each GIS industry in China, inspiring a large number of secondary development companies.