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Meeting on the Construction of MASTA Program of Space Law and Policy

2017-03-17  Share

  On the Morning of March 17th , 2017, the meeting on the Construction of MASTA Program of Space Law and Policy was held at the Centre in International School, Beihang University. Ms. Li Yan, Deputy Dirctor of Admissions and Degree Center, Graduate School of Beihang University, Mr. Wang Qiquan, Secretary of the Law School of Beihang University. Vice deans of the Law School, Mr. Pan Weijiang, Ms. Huang Hui, Mr. Zhou Xuefeng, Mr. Zhou Youjun as well as all the supervisors of the students majoring in Space Law and Policy attended the meeting. It was chaired by Mr. Weng Jingnong, Deputy Director of the Centre.

  At the meeting, Mr. Weng Jingnong firstly gave an overall introduction as well as the progress achieved in the program of Space Law and Policy. Then all the attendees exchanged views on curriculum design, teaching management and students quality improvement and the like. In addition, they reached a consensus on the integration of teaching and research resources at home and abroad as well as the establishment of long-term mechanism among all the UN Regional Centres based on research advantages of the Law School of Beihang University.

  The attendees then visited the Library, Archives Room, Distance Education and Video Conference Room, etc. at the Centre.

  RCSSTEAP is the first UN Regional Centre setting up the degree program of Space Law and Policy, which is of great significance to the development and promotion of space technology applications.

  The first class of 10 graduate students from 7 countries (Bolivia, Mongolia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Thailand, Turkey, Venezuela) in Space Law and Policy were enrolled in September 2016. All of them, recommended by APSCO and other space agencies of the Member States of the Centre, are professionals or reserve talents in Space Law and Policy.