On April 26, 2023, participants of the Centre were invited to have a visit to Beijing SuperMap Software Co., Ltd (abbreviated as “SuperMap”).
SuperMap is a manufacturer of basic and application software focusing on the field of geographic information software and spatial intelligence, and its SuperMap software is the largest GIS software in Asia and the second largest around the world. As an internationally renowned GIS software provider, SuperMap is also one of the close industrial partners of the Centre.
Led by the staff, the participants first visited the SuperMap Software Display Center, where they learned about the geographic information industry chain, as well as the main business and ecosystem of SuperMap. After that, the participants listened to the detailed introduction of SuperMap’s core technologies by the professional staff and had further understanding about its technology development, international and domestic cooperation, resources and software functions, etc.

At last, the staff of SuperMap introduced the upcoming GIS conference to the participants, which aroused their great interest, while the company expressed its welcome for the interested participants to attend.

MARIA JOSE CORTEZ HUAYCHO, a Bolivian participant of the Centre, recorded the visit from her perspective:
On April 26, 2023, we visited the corporation SuperMap, they gave us an introduction about the corporation, since the origin of GIS and its development through the years, the ecosystem of SuperMap GIS, about technology innovation center for geospatial information system which was the first in China, the R&D institute and the events they will hold.
Later they gave us a presentation about SuperMap GIS cross-platform products, how the GIS technology architecture works, talked about distributed spatial analysis & processing, explained to us the classification of data models, and finally they gave examples of using this software in daily life and how important the processing of data is in the case of using machine learning.